Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today, I am mourning the loss of my cat, Celeste.  She was a wonderful joy to me and I miss her terribly.  She was a great source of love.  She was a very determined cat and I am going to miss the battles of her jumping in the basket of freshly laundered clothes.


Roland said...

Dear Lesley,

just let me express my deepest empathy with your loss, as I can relate to it very much, and it really touched me to hear from it. A loved, determined cat is just more than a pet, it almost becomes a family member over time. Although I came to the conclusion that no-one and nothing really dies nor ends. For this world, yes, as it is just the way of this universe, birth-life-death, but there is more than that.

Take your time for mourning. But also look at the bright sides of the time you shared with this lovely creature, and I am sure this cat will live on in your memories and in your heart in this world, as it for sure loved to spend its life together with you for the joy of it that you now should cherrish instead of feeling too heavy sorrow.

Death, especially of a loved one or loved creature, always comes with the moral that we ourselves, as we live on, have not unlimited time on earth. Thus we should choose carefully how to spend our own life. But I am sure, you are doing so already.

Most sincerely,
your friend Roland

Lesley Charles said...

Roland, your words mean a lot to me and I think I do agree with you. I guess since her death was sudden it really got to me. I have allowed myself the time to mourn and grieve and now I am starting to remember the good times and not cry. You are such a great friend.

Roland said...

Dear Lesley,

it is very good and also very necessary that you allow yourself sufficient time to mourn, grieve and cry about the loss of your beloved cat. And it will not stop in an instant, it will take its time, there might even be flashbacks at times. But as already said, always also remember the good and fun times during that.

I think it is easier for everyone if death comes sudden and unexpected, if otherwise living in harmony with each other. Just imagine if there was a lenghty period of living in suffer before, I think this would be even harder. Not only due to all pain involved for everyone, but also the raising wish for death just to end such torture, especially for the ill one, maybe even leading to the wish to actively put the cat to eternal sleep. So be happy for her to have had such great opportunity to have such lovely life together with you, sharing much fun, and then leaving for her ultimate home after her wonderful time at her visit here on earth without any suffering or even your choosing. I think this sudden death is really the best and most natural way for her, although for sure she did not want to leave you, but on the other hand did not really leave you, as she was very sure to live on in your heart in this world.

Although I do not wish to die very soon, I very much hope that death comes to me all in a sudden also without much suffering at the day I will have to leave this earth, as I think this date is already chosen and determined. Before that, I hope to experience and get done so many things. But afterwards, I hope to meet you as well as many others at the other side, where time does not play any role any more, to reunite and exchange about our odd experiences within this universe.

Most sincerely,
your friend Roland

Lesley Charles said...

Roland, thanks for being a friend. Your views on death are very insightful. My mother went through a very painful last few months, and I was so thankful when she died in her sleep. If I could choose my way to die, I think I would love to die in my sleep. Feel nothing just slide into whatever comes next.

Roland said...

Dear Lesley,

just let me share a thought with you about dying that I had some time ago already, still carrying it with me. I do not think that dying in itself is a painful experience that one has to fear. The pain one might feel might come from the body due to injury or illness. And I am very sorry hearing about your mother's circumstances in that regard. My idea of dying, having read many reports from revitalized, clinically already dead people, is that it might be comparable with some sort of orgasm actually, when the spirit leaves its physical confinement called body to ultimatively break fully free. And it does not produce pain, it actually ends all physical pain. Of course, there might be some kind of panic involved at first, as one leaves to unknown territory. But I strongly believe that death is not the end, but actually a new beginning, and also have some personal spiritual evidence about it that I am unable to put into words. What to expect there, I do not know, but I sense spiritually that it has to be a most wonderful place, full of purest love, when the time has come. But before, I enjoy life here of course, as I am in no position to choose the time to leave towards there. As also this world has its most beautiful surprises to experience, as well as love, and I doubt that I was put here without purpose to fulfill, and I cannot know when this will be done, as every day just offers new surprises.

By the way, I really enjoy your company, being able to exchange with you, even about such heavy topics.

Most sincerely,
your friend Roland