Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been posting comments on another blog, that deals mainly with male chastity.  I have found acceptance for who I am and I must say it feels really great.  I just wonder why the general public cannot be as accepting.  I know when I was practicing Catholicism, I was more judgemental in my outlook but once I started college, my mind was opened to other faiths, cultures and practices.  Since then, as I get older I have become more accepting and more interested in other things, I would never have explored.

My goal in doing this blog was to open up myself to others so that they can see a GBLT person is no different than anybody else.  I was born with gender issues, so that would mean that is how the Supreme Being wants me.  All though when I was a child I felt the Supreme Being made a mistake.  I do now realize that I am not a mistake and that I am glad to be who I am.  Sometimes the road can be hard, but I am trying to make the best of who I am. 


Anonymous said...

Yours is a wonderful goal and I believe your blog is an effective way to achieve or at least to strive towards your goal.

Speaking generally, people are not very accepting of that which is outside of their immediate experience. People tend to believe that things familiar to them are both "right" and universal. This is partially because most people lack perspective, both geographical (the incredible diversity of tradition and customs that exist across the planet at present) and historical (the incredible diversity of past practices).

Despite that general weakness, it is possible to open people up to new ideas and understandings by broadening their experience. Your blog may provide that crucial perspective for readers going forward.

Lesley Charles said...

Thanks Chirenon, I can only try.