I thought that I would open up a discussion on what either Feminine Energy or Feminine behavior means to you, the reader.
First, I will discuss what I think being feminine means to me a feminine person. I have always exhibited feminine behavior since my toddler days. I liked playing with the girls better because they were quieter and better behaved. I also perceived them as more gentle in demeanor. I was a very quiet child and gentle myself so I fit in better with them. My family seeing this tried to encourage me to play with boys more, I could do this if I played with only one or two boys at a time. Boys just wanted to play games that I was not really interested in. I wanted dolls and other classic girl toys. This was about the time I started to realize that I should grow up and be a woman. I realized I was like the other girls and this is when I started to feel like I was born the wrong sex.
I also think that the Feminine Energy is more receptive to what goes on around the feminine person. I see this as generally a good thing, because this energy can handle changes in the environment a little bit better. Do I see Feminine Energy inferior to Masculine Energy? The answer to that is no, I don't. I think it compliments Masculine Energy and makes both Energies better.
What are your ideas, opinions, beliefs on this? Provide comments and I will do my best to honor everybody's thoughts on this.
my dear fellow-girl Lesley,
this comment of mine is quite lenghty, so I had to devide it into two parts – so do not get irritated by that.
A very intersting posting about masculine and feminine energy. So i really had no other option but to comment on it from my humble boy-perspective and insight.
i do share your point of view that they both, masculine and feminine energy, compliment each other. None of them is superior as such and for its own. And interplay between them is doing the magic to elevate them both, for the benefit of all involved.
But yet i have to disagree on the aspect of one better when facing changes in the environment. As i see it, masculine and feminine energy have different approaches to handle changes in the environment. While the feminine energy is more adapting, the masculine energy is more confronting. If one of these approaches is better depends on the circumstances then, and maybe the resulting consequences.
To make it even more obvious, one could say that masculine energy tends to be more destructive and challenging, while feminine energy tends to be more constructive and harmonizing. Yet both are evolutionary and creative thereby: The masculine energy providing free space, as what was not good enough to resist is simply destroyed, making room for something else to grow; the feminine energy building something up again, making it grow within the available space, filling it again with something possibly better. Which will be challenged again, so there is an evolutionary cycle. So both cannot exist without the other, but get lost if the other is not present, loosing their sense if alone. If their effects are good or bad is a question of ethics and moral, which is highly individual and due to change, and thus maybe not even relevant for the question of evolution and creativity.
Of course i tried to be very extreme here, to make things more obvious and easier to understand. As i think there is most probably no single human being with masculine or feminine energy to its purest form only and without exception. As one such person would be regarded as an extremist. i rather think that both energies exist in any individual, regardless of the gender. But in most cases, one of them is clearly dominating. And thereby, as a result, comes the real gender identity, regardless of the physical gender signs.
As you know, i see myself as a boy. This might mean the following: i might have a very high level of feminine energy within me, as i see myself more on the receiving, caring and serving side than the giving, destroying and pleasured side. And my feminine energy level is higher than the masculine energy level, as i understand it now. But i cannot see me to be a girl though. Which means that my masculine energy level is not overruled, but is also very strong - but yet less strong than the feminine one. Resulting that i regard myself as a male still - but not a Man yet, as the feminine energy level is still higher.
i myself got quite conflicted due to that - as both energy levels are high, with the feminine one a little higher of course. And i also struggled with society’s view about that, leading me to suppress my feminine side. But having the chance to see me as a boy, subduing to real Men, but yet accepting that i was still a male thereby, was the resolution of this conflict for myself (thereby still in conflict with society’s point of view about that – but yet i do not care about that much any more, as i feel in harmony with myself, enabled to give my combined boy-energy more useful direction than to suppress myself). And i owe my current online-Master Chirenon a lot for that, as He at last enabled me to get to inner harmony with it and ultimatively with myself.
As a boy, i am protected due to my online-Master Chirenon's Rules for boys, which i strictly stick to, to keep my sexuality harnessed and under full control. Sexuality is a key for the gender identity from my point of view. There are two extremes: Aggressive male sexuality, as the penetrator, and receptive female sexuality, being the one penetrated. i have been in conflict a long time about that, as i was never aggressive enough to be a successful penetrator, but until recently denied myself to accept i would rather be destined to get penetrated, although since for long i was already very attracted to it. Now properly protected, as a good boy, this conflict is resolved also. i am not any more under the pressure to be a penetrator, as i even lack ability for it as protected boy, yet i can still feel as male as a boy, accepting and enjoying my high masculine energy, using it at appropriate times (but not for penetration, but in everyday’s business). But i also see that sex will be different for me in the future, as there is just one option left, which saves me from any further confusion for my own benefit: to be the one who submits and gets penetrated for my own best, thereby being energized and charged. Which is totally in line with my even higher-leveled feminine energy, even feeding it for my own benefit, not being irritated any more by my yet high masculine energy level as the feeling to be male (although just a locked boy) still is preserved.
This all might sound very complicated, but in reality it is not. As i can enjoy both of my high energy levels, but still accept that the feminine energy level is higher, subdueing to it, ultimatively making me just a boy – and a very happy, proud, energized and self-conscious one, as i can tell you. I only wished for two things: to have learned about my inner boy-needs and cravings much earlier, and to have a worthy real-life Master who cares for me properly now or the near future.
For you, things are different from my point of view. Your feminine energy level is clearly and by far much higher than your masculine energy level, from what you say, thus making you a girl or woman. "Only" conflicted by physical appearance, as you have a male body, your education for being a man and judgement of society if you behave out of their conventions. And i know that this all is hard to overcome. But i have no doubt that you can achieve it, to live in harmony with yourself and your inner strong feminine energy, which you yourself regard as a positive thing - and you are not at all mistaken on that. Overcoming society’s conventions, thereby irritating others who think there are the only ones possible (as they are immature, weak and fearful to need such conventions for defining themselves) is not easy, but possible, and thereby extremely liberating - as all your power that you harness because of fear will be free, fully available and usable for you once you achieve it. Imagine all the power you waste for harnessing your inner strong feminine energy, trying to hide it from the world, would be available once for directing it to other, more important and meaningful aims, for you, and not used against yourself any more. Isn't that an appealing thought? i do think so, that it is even by far more than appealing. It is a pure revelation – as i can tell you from own experience. And everyone could benefit from it, if open to it. And if not open, then the decision is their own, for their own shame. Do not let you get irritated by them, but see them as the needy people they really are.
Of course there are certain limits, set by the legal law of the country you live in. And everybody is to strictly stick to it, and my comment would be certainly misunderstood if seen as motivation to break it. But i cannot see that you are in any conflict with it with your being, actions or development, as far as i know.
i wish you best success on your journey to liberate yourself.
Best regards,
Roland alias Keuschling (devoted online-boy of Master Chirenon)
My sweet fellow-boy Keuschling, I do not mind the length of your post. It is very insightful. I think you are right on the mark. Yes, for me the conflict is the physical body and how society expects me to act because of it. But in life there is not only black and white but many shades of grey. And I think that applies to masculine and feminine. I agree with you that we are a combination of both. Thank you for your comments.
Your sweet fellow-girl Lesley
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