Friday, June 17, 2011

Thoughts for the day

First thought, thank the Lord for another day.  Ready to face the good and not so good that the day may bring.  I have so much to be thankful for.  People that care for me. 

I am so glad that I started my journey to accepting Transgenderism in the age of the Internet.  I have found so much acceptance on it.  Also found a lot of valuable information.  As I admit to myself my gender issues, I have found that I am more accepting of others' differences.

I luckily did not get beat up too much for being obviously different.  I was always on the effeminate side, that was who I was and so that was that.  I had no interest in the stereotypical male pursuits.  I did get some teasing but was not seriously beat up.  Of course, it helped that I had a tomboy who wore steel-tipped boots to school defending me.  lol.  I know that I am a small minority in that, and I feel for my sisters and brothers that have to face a daily beating.

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